
May 20, 2024
Our paper, “False negative - that one is going to kill you”: Understanding Industry Perspectives of Static Analysis based Security Testing, led by Amit, received the Distinguished Paper Award at IEEE S&P 2024</i>!

Apr 18, 2024
Amit has been awarded the International Student Achievement Award from William & Mary. Congratulations to him!

Apr 03, 2024
Prianka Mandal selected as the 2024 Commonwealth of Virginia Engineering and Science (COVES) Policy Fellow!

Dec 18, 2023
Our paper, Practical Integrity Validation in the Smart Home with HomeEndorser has been accepted at the 17th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec)! [WiSec’24]

Oct 27, 2023
Our paper, Understanding the Privacy Practices of Political Campaigns: A Perspective from the 2020 US Election Websites has been accepted at the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy! [IEEE S&P’24]

Aug 15, 2023
Our paper, ‘Belt and suspenders’ or ‘just red tape’?: Investigating Early Outcomes and Perceptions of IoT Security Compliance Enforcement has been accepted at the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium! [USENIX’24]

July 10, 2023
Our paper, “False negative - that one is going to kill you”: Understanding Industry Perspectives of Static Analysis based Security Testing, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024! [Oakland’24]

July 20, 2023
Our paper, MASC: A Tool for Mutation-based Evaluation of Static Crypto-API Misuse Detectors has been accepted to the Tool Demo Track at ESEC/FSE’23! [ESEC/FSE’23 Demonstrations]

July 20, 2023
Our paper, Helion: Enabling Natural Testing of Smart Homes, has been accepted to the Tool Demo Track at ESEC/FSE’23! [ESEC/FSE’23 Demonstrations]

Apr 21, 2023
Adwait has been designated as the Class of 1953 Associate Professor of Computer Science, a three-year appointment starting AY 2023-2024!

Apr 17, 2023
Our poster on “Understanding the Privacy Practices of Political Campaigns”:” A Perspective from the 2020 US Election Websites” won the Best Poster Award at the 2023 CCI Symposium! Congrats Kaushal!

Apr 03, 2023
Kaushal Kafle selected as the 2023 Commonwealth of Virginia Engineering and Science (COVES) Policy Fellow!

Feb 10, 2023
Adwait’s CAREER proposal on “Integrating Trust and Accountability into Compliance Enforcement for a Secure Internet of Things” has been funded! [NSF Abstract]

Feb 10, 2023
Adwait has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure effective with the start of the 2023-24 academic year!

Aug 26, 2022
Our paper, “Understanding IoT Security from a Market-Scale Perspective”, has been accepted to be published at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2022 [CCS]!

Jul 3, 2022
Our poster, “Does Compliance Enforcement Work?: Evaluation of Certified Mobile-IoT Apps”, has been accepted at the 31st USENIX Security Symposium [USENIX]!

May 3, 2022
Our paper, “Smart Home Privacy Policies Demystified: A Study of Availability, Content, and Coverage”, has been accepted for publication at the 31st USENIX Security Symposium [USENIX]!

April 24, 2022
Sunil Manandhar receives the International Student Achievement Award from W&M! [NEWS]!

April 20, 2022
Our Poster on “Exploring User Perceptions and Expectations of Privacy in City-wide WiFi Services”, has been accepted at the 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy! [Oakland’22]

April 7, 2022
Amit Seal Ami selected as the 2022 Commonwealth of Virginia Engineering and Science (COVES) Policy Fellow!

April 4, 2022
Secure Platforms Lab and its Director, Adwait Nadkarni, nominated for the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative Impact Award!

February 07, 2022
Our Poster on “Why Crypto-detectors Fail: A Systematic Evaluation of Cryptographic Misuse Detection Techniques”, has been accepted at the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2022! [NDSS’22]

January 26, 2022
Prianka Mandal selected to attend 2022 CRA-WP Grad Cohort Workshop for Women!

October 21, 2021
Kaushal Kafle was invited to participate in the Which? Investigates podcast titled ‘How hackable is your home?’! [Podcast].

August 10, 2021
Our paper, “Why Crypto-detectors Fail”:” A Systematic Evaluation of Cryptographic Misuse Detection Techniques.”, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2022! [Oakland’22]

August 2, 2021
Our proposal on “Enabling Data-Driven Security and Safety Analyses for Cyber-Physical Systems” has been funded! Thanks NSF! [Abstract]

June 30, 2021
Amit Seal Ami receives the Coastal Virginia Center for Cyber Innovation (COVA CCI) Cybersecurity Dissertation Fellowship!

June 30, 2021
Sunil Manandhar receives the Coastal Virginia Center for Cyber Innovation (COVA CCI) Cybersecurity Dissertation Fellowship!

May 26, 2021
Adwait Nadkarni receives the 2021 Graduate Faculty Mentoring Award!

April 30, 2021
Sunil Manandhar selected as the 2021 Commonwealth of Virginia Engineering and Science (COVES) Policy Fellow!

April 7, 2021
Sunil Manandhar awarded with S. Laurie Sanderson Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring!

March 2, 2021
Sunil Manandhar recognized as Distinguished Reviewer in Shadow PC for 42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy! [S&P Shadow PC’21]

January 21, 2021
Our paper, “Demo”:”” Mutation-based Evaluation of Security-focused Static Analysis Tools for Android.”, has been accepted to the Tool Demo Track at ICSE’21! [ICSE’21 Demonstrations]

January 21, 2021
Our proposal on “A Systematic Evaluation of Smart City Security and Privacy” has been funded by the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI)! [Press Release]

November 24, 2020
Our paper, “Systematic Mutation-based Evaluation of the Soundness of Security-focused Android Static Analysis Techniques”, has been accepted for publication to the ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security [TOPS]

July 2, 2020
Our paper, “Security in Centralized Data Store-based Home Automation Platforms”:” A Systematic Analysis of Nest and Hue”, has been accepted for publication to the ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, in the special issue on Security and Privacy for Connected CPS [TCPS]

January 15, 2020
Our paper, “Towards a Natural Perspective of Smart Homes for Practical Security and Safety Analyses”, has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2020 [Oakland’20]

April 26, 2019
Brian Burns graduated with an MS, and a successful Masters Project. Congratulations Brian!

April 26, 2019
Ruhao (Tony) Tang successfully defended is Honors Thesis on “Leveraging NLP to Enable Analysis of User Driven Routines”. Congratulations Tony!

March 29, 2019
Ruhao (Tony) Tang wins the Undergraduate Stephen K. Park Award 2019. Congratulations Tony!

March 26, 2019
Our paper, “A Study of Data Store-based Home Automation”, received the Best Paper Award at CODASPY’19!

December 28, 2018
Our recent investigation on smart home security has received wide press coverage. See the most detailed articles here - Daily Press, The Ambient, Quartz, 13News Now,

November 27, 2018
Our paper, “A Study of Data Store-based Home Automation”, has been accepted for publication at the ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY’19)

November 27, 2018
Our paper, “ACMiner”:” Extraction and Analysis of Authorization Checks in Android’s Middleware”, has been accepted for publication at the ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY’19)

August 31, 2018
Our proposal on “Enabling Systematic Evaluation of the Soundness of Android Security Analysis Techniques” has been funded! Thanks NSF! [Abstract]

May 20, 2018
Our paper, “Discovering Flaws in Security-Focused Static Analysis Tools for Android using Systematic Mutation”, has been accepted for publication at the 27th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX’18)

April 10, 2018
Ruhao (Tony) Tang wins the Charles Center Summer Research Scholarship for Summer 2018!